Henzie Healley

Henzie Healley

Managing Partner, TCS

Henzie Healley is a common law qualified lawyer living in Dubai but servicing clients from all around the world. Henzie studied Business Management in Canada, before going on to study law in New Zealand. She qualified with an LLB with Honors in New Zealand and was admitted as a Barrister and Solicitor of the High Court of New Zealand in 2014. She then moved to Dubai in 2014 after being offered a permanent role at an international law firm she interned for during her school vacations. In 2019 she founded her own legal consultancy. TCS is a legal consultancy and registered ADGM Corporate Service Provider which is seeking to disrupt the provision of legal and corporate service provider services and the way that their consultants conduct their business by introducing a lean and technology focused business model and servicing clients in all sectors, from all around the world, including crypto and digital assets. Henzie started her journey in crypto back in 2018 when advising the opening of a crypto exchange and separate trading platform and since then, has worked closely with crypto mining companies in the region and a USD100,000,000 crypto VC fund. She continues to this day, to work with various crypto clients, but has also expanded her knowledge to working with various companies also dealing with metaverse projects, blockchain projects, smart contract related projects and other digital asset related projects. Combining her knowledge of start-ups and various tech-based businesses with crypto and digital asset related businesses, Henzie is able to advise businesses in any of these sectors on the legalities of running these from a UAE perspective.

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